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At some point in our life, we may feel grounded and think that life is just not fair. Well, it can happen to anyone of us and to tell you the truth life has never meant to be smooth all the time. It has its ups and downs and we should learn to get up every time, whenever we fall down.

No matter how well we all plan each and every detail of our lives, some of the days always ended up bringing tears into our eyes. The rough times of our life can have a severe impact on our mental health. Well, it is important to have a minor level of stress in our daily routines and which is also healthy, but prolonged stress can take the shape of depression and that is something unhealthy.

So what steps shall we take to keep the depression at bay and enjoy our lives at the same time? Well here are some key points that you can remember and make use of it:

Gratitude and Patience

Gratitude makes one feel contended with oneself and patience gives the ultimate solution of every problem in life that one comes across. These two things always go hand in hand and absence of any one of it can badly impact the other one. Thus, one should always be thankful to God whatever the circumstances are and remain steadfast in their plans and goals.

One way of being thankful towards your God, is to look around those who haven’t been blessed the way as you are. And stop comparing yourself with others, as life is not a race or a competition. God has made you different from others and each one of us is blessed with a different set of skills. So have a firm belief in your fate and have faith that whatever God has written for you will always prove to be beneficial down the road.

Speak Up

If you think that you are going through the phase of depression, then take a stand for your own well-being and talk to your parents, siblings, relatives and any close friend who can help you out. You can even reach out to psychologist/ psychiatrist all those who are medically certified in this specific field.

Unfortunately taking help for one’s own mental health is considered taboo in most cultures and societies. But this is the need of the hour that we completely disregard this taboo and start a new beginning.

Help Others Around

Money cannot buy happiness but helping others can, and it is a proven fact. Look around those who need your help and this will help you to feel good about yourself. Even if you find someone else who is also going through some rough patches in life like you, it would be better if together you can come up with a solution to all your problems.

Last but not the least, we should give equal importance to our mental health as we give it to the physical one. As Bill Clinton has wisely said, “Mental illness is not something to be ashamed of, but stigma and bias shame us all.

2 thoughts on “MENTAL HEALTH”

  1. Pingback: WORK FROM HOME GUIDELINES – Positivity and Lifestyle

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